Best Editing Services

Our Refund Policy

refund policyWe love it when shoppers choose to become one of our valued customers. We always strive to deliver services that make our customers smile. However, we occasionally encounter situations where a customer feels dissatisfied with a service we provided. If you strongly feel that the sample we delivered fails entirely to satisfy your need, read on to know what you can do in such a situation. We have written our refund policy in plain English. We do not want to have any of our customers confused regarding our treatment of such occurrences.

The Majority of Our Customers are Happy with Our Services

We have served thousands of different types of customers over the years. Few have left negative reviews, and we have done everything possible to address the concerns they raised. We have always offered such customers the opportunity to discuss the issue at hand with us offline in a more detailed way.

We have encountered situations where we had to process a refund. However, it is rare for such cases to happen because most customers accept their completed orders. That said, we always ensure the refund process is as smooth as placing the order with us is.

Our Quality Assurance Department Carefully Reviews Every Refund Request

We believe that the majority of online shoppers are honest. We also understand that customers are looking for the happiest online shopping experience they can get. And that they are not a bunch of hard-to-please individuals out to make life difficult for everyone. We run a highly professional quality assurance department that looks into every request on a case-to-basis. Where our editing experts have reason to believe that a customer’s refund request is valid, our finance department will process such a request within five business days. No questions asked.

We Will Refund You in Full:

  • If after several rounds of revisions, you still feel the work is way below your expectation. We do not charge revisions to your account. We are committed to producing work that makes our customers 100 percent satisfied. Our highly skilled editors never stop until you smile.
  • After our quality assessment team has looked into the matter and given their opinion. Our quality assurance team works professionally and is never biased. In fact, they have rarely “ruled” in our favor.
  • If it appears that our editors made no changes on the document you submitted to us for revision and Best Editing Services is unwilling to complete the unfinished task or holds that its editors made such changes but fails to provide proof.
  • If the work contains obvious grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting mistakes and Best Editing Services has maintained that the work is free of the errors identified.
  • If our editors have made changes that have significantly distorted the meaning of your content and upon raising your concerns, Best Editing Services has failed to make the amendments required to improve the clarity of your text.
  • If Best Editing Services has failed to deliver the completed order on time and did not communicate with you in advance regarding the possibility of such a situation and as a result, you canceled the order.

Our editing and proofreading services aim to help you achieve your goals. If and when we are found to have grossly failed to deliver the high-quality we promised, we will process their refund quickly — no questions asked. Protection Status