Best Editing Services

eBook Editing Service

eBook Editing Service

So, you have always wanted to write a book? You are lucky to be an author of the 21st century, where self-publishing has become a reality. Now, nothing can stop you! All you have to do is get started and write that eBook readers have never seen. Sell tons of them and get all those positive reviews from satisfied buyers. Sell even more after the reviews.

Unfortunately, such outcomes do not just happen! Successful self-publishing entails a lot more than writing and selling. That is why you need eBook editing services where a professional editor will give your eBook the final touch.

What is eBook Editing?

eBook editing applies to final manuscripts where professional editors use several editing techniques such as line editing, copy editing, and developmental editing. The editors start the editing process by correcting the errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, language, and word use on your manuscript.

They then attach their comments and suggestions at the margins for you to consider and improve your writing skills. Your final draft is edited and proofread before being handed over to you to publish, whether through a company or self-publishing. Seek our eBook editing service today!

What are the Different Types of Book Editing?

After you have poured your content out and sure there is nothing you have left out, the final draft is ready for the next step of editing in the publication process. eBook editing has different types of editing, which include:

  • Developmental editing
  • Line editing
  • Copy editing
  • Proofreading

As an author, you should know what type of editing your manuscript needs and what each type entails. These types of editing can be confusing since you may not differentiate at what point your manuscript requires a different type of edit.

Editors vary with different manuscripts since each author or writer includes their preferences on what you require in the required brief. Such guidelines vary from correcting errors and mistakes in grammar, language, spelling, and punctuation to sentence structure, characters, or plot.

Therefore, your editor’s job is to understand your requirements and deliver an outstanding book ready to publish.

Let’s have a look at the types of book editing as listed above.

1. Developmental Editing

This type of editing makes your manuscript have flow in terms of structure, and as the author, you apply developmental editing as soon as you start outlining your work. The editor focuses on each chapter and decides which chapter follows the last. For instance, when writing a novel, the structure of your book will include the setting, characters, plot, storyline, timeline, and other crucial elements.

For developmental editing, you might assume that you do not need editors who are experts since a friend or colleague can read the manuscript and easily tell if the structural flow is good or not. However, seeking help from a professional editor can make a huge difference by advising you on how best to better your book.

Unlike other types of editing where the editor makes suggestions and changes directly, developmental editing includes a separate document with the changes you could make to better your manuscript.

2. Line Editing

Line editing is more comprehensive and stylistic since the editor will, at this point, focus more on the smaller elements which form a sentence. Here, your editor will put all the effort into editing your manuscript per word. They do not focus on errors but on how your sentences appear to the reader by ensuring they are simple and concise.

For instance, the editor will tighten a sentence with thirteen words to a five-word sentence without losing the meaning. Aspects such as clichés and wordiness are eliminated to ensure your reader understands the intended message.

Although a line editor can also act as a copy editor, these services are different. Therefore, it is best to clarify the type of editing service you would like to order before placing your order.

3. Copy Editing

Copy editing is crucial since the editor goes through the text word by word to eliminate errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and other language inconsistencies in the manuscript, such as typos. This type of editing is done when you have a complete manuscript. Using the track changes function on any Word file, the editor can add comments, revision changes, and suggestions for your manuscript.

As the author, you can then go through these comments and suggestions per word and accept or reject them. This process comes after several document revisions since editing the first final draft does not guarantee you a perfect publication. In addition, copy editing only happens when your manuscript has gone through developmental and line editing.

Note that self-editing or having a friend copy-edit your book doesn’t guarantee you an error-free document since they are not professional. In such occurrences, your book will appear as one written by a new writer compared to a professionally edited book.

4. Proofreading

Proofreading is the last act you can take before publishing your book. Our proofreading service consists of professional proofreaders who review your manuscript one more time to ensure the copy editor didn’t leave any grammar, punctuation, spelling, or writing style mistakes.

Having a proofreading expert is essential since they are not fixing any issue but ensuring there are no inconsistencies. Although the editing process may seem confusing, you can decide which type of editing you need more than the other.

It is also important to note that a professional editor is more conversant with your editing needs than a friend, colleague, or neighbor. In matters of the editing cost, look at it as an investment since if your book is unique and appealing to your readers, better reviews will come in handy, thus more income on your end.

Contact us today for all your editing needs today!

Why You May Need Help From Our eBook Editing Services

Regardless of how smart you consider yourself to be, working with a professional is a great idea. While you can edit the eBook yourself and save some money, it is rarely the best approach. There is a reason editors exist in the world of publishing. They have a keen eye and can spot errors quickly, correcting them and making helpful suggestions.

eBook editing professionals help you clarify and organize your ideas. They help you establish consistency of voice and style. Under their watch, no odd word or phrase survives. The final copy is a refined product your target readers will want to buy.

1. Your Own Mistakes are Harder to See

It is easier to catch mistakes from other people’s manuscripts than yours. Spending too much time working on a manuscript makes you unknowingly assume everything is well written, misleading since you are more likely to miss common errors and other writing mistakes.

So, shut off that inner editor in you and hire a professional editor and rest assured you will receive quality work and a perfect manuscript ready to be published.

2. Get the Product Right

It is unlikely there are thousands of people wondering why you are taking too long to release your eBook. There are millions of such products on Amazon and elsewhere. To attract the attention of the digital marketplace, you need to have a valuable eBook.

That means you need to have a special message. Then you should find your voice. Share your story in a voice that brings out your uniqueness. But there is more.

3. Need for an Outstanding and Unique Book

Self-publishing is acceptable in the writing world but not self-editing. As an author, you have a better chance of an outstanding and unique book when you hire a professional editor than deciding to edit your manuscript. Although you may have to let go of several dollars, you will not regret seeking eBook editing services since it will count as an investment.

Keep in mind that there is a huge difference between having your friend or colleague edit your manuscript and a professional editor.

4. Edit, Edit, Edit

Before you publish your eBook, be sure it is a quality the world will accept and pay for. Ensure the eBook’s message is crystal clear and that there are no errors. Few things annoy readers the way grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors do. People may forgive one little mistake, but you certainly are not going to get away with a ton of them. Do these three things: edit, edit, and edit.

What to Expect From Our Editors

An eBook editing expert reads every line of your manuscript. They aim at improving clarity and flow. The edited copy is a masterpiece that retains your authorial voice. The right company sends you tracked revisions, allowing you to see all the mistakes corrected.

That way, you have creative control while enjoying expert support. They identify all the areas needing improvement and provide you with an extensive critical commentary. Also, they suggest how you could better your voice, word choice, style, sentence, and tone.

Find the Right eBook Editing Service

In a crowded marketplace, finding the service you need can be confusing. Everyone says they are the best, and choosing who to work with can be challenging. Find an eBook editing service that has helped other authors before with remarkable success.

You can reach out to successful authors and ask for recommendations. Research online; read reviews on relevant websites. The best editing services company offers outstanding service at competitive pricing.

We are a One-Stop-Shop for All Your eBook Types

Our editing services do not limit authors on the type of eBook manuscripts to submit for editing. Our editors are conversant with different types, forms, and genres of eBooks, making it easy for you to publish quality publications at an affordable price. Such eBooks include:

1. Fiction

  • Children’s stories
  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Romance
  • Humour
  • Thriller

2. Nonfiction

  • Biographies
  • Historical
  • Memoirs
  • Reference
  • Self-help
  • Science books

3. Novels, novellas, and short stories

4. Plays and screenplays

5. Poetry

Since editing is one of the final stages of your final manuscript, you have no reason to panic if your manuscript is yet to be formatted or proofread. We also offer eBook proofreading and formatting services.

Why Choose Our eBook Editing Services?

Before publishing an eBook, you should ensure it is perfect by editing, formatting, and proofreading. You can achieve these qualities by hiring the best eBook editing services. Professional editors will work on your manuscript per word without missing any grammar, spelling, punctuation, and language errors.

Let’s get started on some of the things that make our eBook editing services stand out from other editing services:

1. Professional and Quality Manuscript Editing

Our editors are keen on every detail in your manuscript, thus ensuring you receive a quality ready-to-publish eBook. The editors are conversant with different book-writing styles, sentence structure, word flow, and consistency. For instance, a fiction book is based on creativity where the author addresses their readers by creating characters, a plot, and other elements.

Our editors, who are experts in this field, will offer you suggestions and feedback that will help you improve your writing skills and make you outstanding among other authors. The editor will then pass your manuscript on to our proofreaders, who will ensure all errors in language, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and inconsistencies are removed.

Before receiving your perfect book, we also ensure the formatting is on point. Do not be alarmed by additional services since we do not charge an extra fee!

2. Experts Editing Team

When seeking our eBook editing services, rest assured your book is in good hands. Each editor on the editing team is highly qualified in literature and has undergone intense training for unique book editing. The editors are conversant with different book writing styles and genres such as science fiction, horror, short stories, self-help, novels, etc.

Writing a manuscript is no easy task. Since we value and respect all writers and authors, our editors are ready to transform your manuscript into a captivating and unique book that will appease your readers.

3. Speedy Delivery

More than often, eBook publishing companies tend to give authors set deadlines that can be challenging to meet. We ensure our editing team thoroughly edits your manuscript without altering your message or word count. Our editors are experts; thus, the ability to work as fast as possible to ensure you don’t miss the deadline.

For an eBook with a low word count, we offer a 24 hours guarantee, and in case you might need a turnaround, we provide you with a selection of preferred delivery speeds depending on the word count of your document.

4. Affordable Prices

To cut editing costs, some writers prefer using their friends or colleagues conversant with editing to help with editing their manuscript before being published. This may lead to missed deadlines or poor quality work. With an editing service, we offer the most affordable pricing rates without leaving you penniless.

We have a pricing calculator where you get an instant quote that you can use to estimate the price per your eBook’s word count.

5. Free Revision

If you are not satisfied with the editing done by our editors, which is extremely rare, we offer immediate revisions depending on your requirements, free of charge. You can also contact your editor for any queries concerning your edited manuscript or recheck previously edited text for no extra charge.

Also, if you are not satisfied after the revisions, we give you a full refund, no questions asked.

6. Confidentiality

Since you have trusted us with your information, we respect your privacy. Thus, we have a confidentiality policy that states you as the copyright holder of your ebook even after editing. For data safety, we have strict security systems which ensure every information is encrypted, and we also ensure our employees sign an NDA.

We do not allow any sharing of customer information with any third party without consent for more safety measures.

7. 24/7 Customer Support

We value you as our clients and would like to keep our interactive channels open. Our customer support team is always available 24 hours each day and ready to answer your questions or listen to any concerns you might have. Therefore, time and place shouldn’t hinder you from communicating with us!

How to Easily Access Our eBook Editing Services

Authors in the eBook industry require a unique trait that will make a book stand out from millions of eBooks on the online market, such as Amazon. To confidently publish your eBook regardless of where you are in your writing career, you will need to hire a professional editor. This will, without a doubt, make your book rank among the best and have great rates and reviews!

For you to accomplish these benefits, take a step and order our eBook editing services by following the steps below:

Step 1:Fill Out The Form

As soon as you open our page for order placement, you can request an instant quote where you are required to fill out a form and attach your manuscript to be edited. The process will take you less than a minute, and you will have a clear picture of how much you are to pay per word.

Step 2: Quote Acceptance

Here, you will receive an email with a quote and an edited manuscript as a sample for you to go through and review before deciding to accept our eBook editing service. The sample will show you what we can do where you are free to accept or reject, depending on your preferences. This process can take up to two days, and you can give us your feedback.

Step 3:Make the Payments

After approving the quote and the free edited sample, we then send you an email with your invoice, which summarizes your payment and services rendered. At this point, you are to make your invoice payments through a safe and secure money transfer system such as PayPal or by using your credit card.

Step 4:Manuscript Review

Finally, you get a chance to review your fully and professionally edited manuscript. Our editors have gone through your manuscript, be it by developmental editing, line editing, or copy editing, to ensure you receive a top-quality manuscript that will earn you good money.

You also get to review the changes made through the editor’s comment section and suggestions which you can choose to accept or reject. You can now comfortably publish your eBook through a publishing company or self-publishing!

Contact Us Today!

Saving money is commendable. However, you must know when to keep it and when to invest it. Investing in the right eBook editorial team pays in the end. For this reason, we offer affordable prices for our editing services, and you can rest assured you will receive a well-edited manuscript ready to publish.

In addition to our eBook editing service, we also offer an eBook proofreading service and eBook formatting at competitive prices. Talk to us today! Protection Status